What is Hope Against Infertility?

What is Hope Against Infertility?

Hello and welcome to Hope Against Infertility, Inc.! We started this non-profit organization because we believe there are women, couples, and families who are struggling with this diagnosis who are looking for support. The statistic is that there are 1-in-8 women who struggle with this diagnosis, and we have personally experienced being that “1” ourselves. We know what it feels like to be diagnosed and struggle with this disease, to feel completely alone and feel that no one understands, and to feel the loss of hope when it looks like the end of our medical options are near.

We want you to know that we are here for you. We understand what you are going through. You are not alone.

Hope Against Infertility, Inc. is designed to not only raise awareness around infertility, but also to raise funds to support women, couples, and families financially who have already tried multiple medications, and are now trying IUI and/or IVF. We have been through all of these stages of medical treatment and understand the financial struggle that these procedures cause. 

We invite you to take a tour of our website where you will find our blog, success stories of families who we have helped as we are able to help them, our up-coming and current events, our store where you can purchase merchandise to help support our cause, our “About Me’s”, and our application/donor page. We also invite and welcome your feedback and your questions. If you have a topic you want us to write about, a story you want to share, or want to submit general questions or comments, please do so! 

If you have someone you want to nominate for a potential grant, or like what we are doing, please tag us and post on our social media platforms at Instagram.com/HopeAgainstInfertility on Instagram and Hope Against Infertility on Facebook. We want to hear from YOU!

Angela Sonnenberg